Aleta wondo is one of the towns located in sidama region from 36 district and 6 municipal reform cities.
The town was established in 1909 E.C as a village and as a town in 1928 by prominent person called Gobena Huriso. The possible factors for its foundation are military, administrative, religious and economic i.e. the presence of fertile land and adequate water supply suitable for drinking. The name of the town made from two words; "Aleta" and "wendo” the name Aleta shows the word rendered to the name of tribe leader whereas, the word wendo implies 'rescue or save'.
The city is located 335 km from Addis Abeba and 64 km from Hawassa at 6° 31' 10" north latitude and 38° 25' 21" east longitude. The city of Aleta Wondo has an area 2014.16 hectares. The road from Addis Abeba to Negelle Borenna passes through the city as well as the city of Bensa, Bona, Arbegona, Hagere Selam, Chuko, Teferikela, Yirgalem, Hawassa has a road that connects it.
The city will host a two-day(Wednesday and Saturday), per week regular market from various neighboring weredas. The city is divided into subdivisions called Della, Mesalemiya and Chefe kebeles. It is borderd by the neighboring kebeles of Sheicha kebele to the North, Weto Kebele, Titira kebele to the west, and Bultuma kebele to the east.